Thanks to this community for this much needed initiative and the great effort which is going into the SMuFL standard.
A rather small point:
I gather that the "Note heads" section is for glyphs to be used mainly in score engraving and the "Individual notes" section for glyphs to be used mainly in a textual context.
There is a reason for the "Breve, single vertical stroke" glyph to appear as a stylistic alternative in the latter and not in the former? If the two 'common' ('base'? 'main'?) glyphs are potentially different under some respect (registration, perhaps?), so would be the alternates as well.
The same would apply to the much needed -- and already requested -- square breve shape.
Lastly, are there some guidelines to decide which is the 'main' shape and which are 'alternatives'? Breves are not much used anyway outside of Renaissance - early Baroque music editions, where the square shape is often preferred.
Maurizio M. Gavioli