Parentheses for accidentals?

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Parentheses for accidentals?

Maurizio M. Gavioli
The standard already provides for parentheses for note heads, for time signatures (two sets), for figured bass and for function theory; would not it be the case to provide open and closed parentheses for accidentals too?

I'm not sure this qualifies as a semantic difference, probably not, but the same goes for the other parentheses as well; the main reason being a matter of size (accidental parentheses need to be taller than note head parentheses), much like the clef / clef change vexata quaestio.

However, from the point of view of a standard, the scaling ratio from note head parentheses to accidental parentheses may, in principle, depends upon design choices of the single font and would be rather difficult (or arbitrary) to generalize.

Or am I missing something?


Maurizio M. Gavioli