Prolationes (U+E9D0 - U+E9DF)

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Prolationes (U+E9D0 - U+E9DF)

Maurizio M. Gavioli
Thanks to this community for this much needed initiative and the great effort which is going into the SMuFL standard!

A few small points on a probably not much used section:

1) U+E9D3: named "Tempus perfectum cum prolatione perfecta diminution 2". I think it should be named "Tempus perfectum cum prolatione IMperfecta diminution" (with a numeral no longer needed?).

2) Is the "... diminution 1 - 5" sequence in names of U+E9D6 - U+E9DA on purpose? U+E9D6, U+E9D8 and U+E9D9 are diminutions of U+E9D5, but U+E9D7 and U+E9Da are diminutions of U+E9D4, so probably they should not be numbered in a single sequence.

3) Also, I am probably too picky, but is the order final? Either each tempus diminutum is listed after its integer or all tempora diminuta are listed at the end (possibly in the same order of their respective integra), but at the moment the order looks strange (and the order of the U+1D1Cx counterparts in Unicode constrains it only in part).


Maurizio M. Gavioli
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Re: Prolationes (U+E9D0 - U+E9DF)

Maurizio M. Gavioli

Of course, I was too hurried: It is not U+E9D3, it is U+E9D2 which should be "... cum prolatione imperfecta".

