I searched the list archive for this point, but I didn't find anything...
All articulation glyphs (U+E460 - U+E476) are VERTICALLY registered to sit on the base line.
1) At least for "staccato" and "tenuto" (U+E461 - E462) and maybe other glyphs too, this might be inconvenient: if used inside a staff, they are vertically placed in the middle of the space right above or below the note head (e.g.: in treble clef, C note in the 3rd space, either glyph should be centred in the 4th space).
Having them registered to sit on the base line requires computing their height to be able to centre them; also, different adjustments are needed if placed above the note head or below. Of course, it can be done, but it is perhaps an unnecessary complication: would it not be the case to centre them on the base line?
2) For glyphs with an "above" and a "below" variant ("staccatissimo", "wedge", "marcato", ...), the current setup requires different processing for the two variants. Again, it can be done, but is it really necessary? Having the "above" and "below" variant registered to be vertically symmetrical one to another wold surely simplify the usage of the font (if the "above" variant sits on the base line, the "below" variant should 'hang' from it).
3) They are also HORIZONTALLY registered to be on the right side of the y axis. As they are almost all and always horizontally centred on the note head, having the glyphs centred around the y axis would again surely simplify their usage.