Hi all,
I'd like to announce a new music education tool that uses
Bravura/SMuFL for its music rendering. It's called Soundslice, and
it's a web-based sheet music player that displays notation synced with
real audio recordings. Here's a demo:
http://www.soundslice.com/v2/auld-lang-syne/Note that you'll want to use a relatively modern browser, as it's
doing some seriously crazy gymnastics behind the scenes. The rendering
is done entirely client-side, in JavaScript. Here's a quick demo video
I made:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq1go7Ld1Q4Thanks to Daniel and the community for this fantastic font and
specification. It made our job a lot easier, and the glyphs are
beautiful. Cheers!
Adrian Holovaty
Founder, Soundslice:
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