[smufl-discuss] ANN: Bravura/SMuFL used in Soundslice

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[smufl-discuss] ANN: Bravura/SMuFL used in Soundslice

Adrian Holovaty
Hi all,

I'd like to announce a new music education tool that uses
Bravura/SMuFL for its music rendering. It's called Soundslice, and
it's a web-based sheet music player that displays notation synced with
real audio recordings. Here's a demo:


Note that you'll want to use a relatively modern browser, as it's
doing some seriously crazy gymnastics behind the scenes. The rendering
is done entirely client-side, in JavaScript. Here's a quick demo video
I made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq1go7Ld1Q4

Thanks to Daniel and the community for this fantastic font and
specification. It made our job a lot easier, and the glyphs are
beautiful. Cheers!


Adrian Holovaty
Founder, Soundslice: http://www.soundslice.com/
Personal: http://www.holovaty.com/

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Re: [smufl-discuss] ANN: Bravura/SMuFL used in Soundslice


Hi Adrian,

Thanks for sharing the presentation. Soundslice is the most impressive html5 application I've seen!!
Is the sheet engraving engine custom? I've looked into vexflow and lilypond svg conversion.
Do you have any interest in open sourcing the rendering engine? Can you recommend a Canvas book? are you planning on writing one? ;)

