[smufl-discuss] General text implementation and separate characters for 8va signs

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[smufl-discuss] General text implementation and separate characters for 8va signs

Knut Nergaard
This post was updated on .
Firstly, from reading the SMuFL documentation, it’s not really clear to me if or how characters meant for metronome marks and other text related situations can be easily accessed through the keyboard when mapped according to SMuFL. Could someone please explain this?

I'm also wondering why such characters are centred on the baseline. This makes is necessary to change their vertical position in any context related to text (unless you don't want it to align with the text font).
In my mind, it would be better to place them as if they were on a staff space (just above the baseline). Most noteheads will then have a natural overshoot in relation to the regular text.

Secondly (I’m probably a bit late to the party here), at present, there are only precomposed glyphs in the Octaves range (U+E510–U+E51F), except for the 8 and parenthesis characters. Ideally though, I think separate glyphs for all relevant letters (both superscript and regular) and numbers should be included in this range, to allow for leading and tracking adjustments.

Additionally, I think italicised parenthesis is most appropriate for both the Octaves range and the Dynamics range (U+E520–U+E54F). Parenthesis are missing from the Dynamics range entirely btw. and should be included.

Kind regards,
Knut Nergaard

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Re: [smufl-discuss] General text implementation and separate characters for 8va signs

Knut Nergaard
Just wanted to let the email subscribers know that the OP has been edited.
