[smufl-discuss] "Music Enhanced Text Fonts" (Slightly OT)

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[smufl-discuss] "Music Enhanced Text Fonts" (Slightly OT)

David Webber-2
This is Off Topic for SMuFL, but there may be some interest here.

I've been addressing a complementary problem:  not symbols fonts for writing
music, but text fonts for writing *about* music.

There are a limited number of characters (including sharp, flat and natural
signs), omitted from most fonts,and poorly designed in some others, which,
if they were properly included, would make fonts far more suitable for "text
accompanying music".  I have in mind titles like "Sonata in Eb"  or "Study
in F# minor"  or  instrument names like "Bb clarinet" as well as chord

I've explained the motivation at


and defined a standard for a 'Music Enhanced Text Font'.

And I present a few for download (if anyone is interested) at



David Webber
Mozart Music Software

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