I am looking at the SMUFL specifications for font metrics and try to
understand how it works with the Bravura font. Looking at the font, I
noticed that the height of note head glyph can vary. For the standard
whole note head (E0A2), the glyph goes from -136 below the baseline to
137 above it. For a half-note head (E0A3), the glyph goes from -145
below the baseline to 145 above it. How is this supposed to fit a
staff space? If I understand correctly, the note head is meant to file
a interline for a staff of 1em, that is 250 with a 1000 upm. I guess
we also have to take into account the staff line thickness, but I am
not sure I understand how this is supposed to work and how to deal
with the height difference.
Thanks for this great work and thanks in advance for any explanations.
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