[smufl-discuss] Open time signature symbols

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[smufl-discuss] Open time signature symbols

Peter Trubinov

There are already two symbols in SMuFL for open time signature in
"Time signatures" group: timeSigX (U+e09c) and timeSigOpenPenderecki
(U+e09d). However there are two other symbols which are used for the
same purpose by few authors and those could be probably added to the

The first one looks like a reversed natural sign, and you can see it
in this example:

Alexander Khaykovich. Sonata for clarinet in B and piano. Compozitor
Publishing House, 1997.

Yes, there is already accidentalNaturalReversed (U+e462) in "Other
accidentals" group, however it might be good to have a copy of it in
"Time Signatures" group for semantical reasons and for the possibility
to have slightly different shape.

Another symbol used for the same purpose looks like an infinity sign,
you can see it here:

Jan Hanuš. Pražská nokturna pro komorní orchestr. Edition Panton, 1987.

All the best,

Dr. Peter Trubinov
 tel. worldwide: +358 50 486 77 96
 when in Russia: +7 921 438 62 88

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