The SMuFL spec is for codepoints within the 'private use area' of the
Unicode set.
Is there a 'private use area' within the SMuFL spec, so that fonts may be
defined which conform to SMuFL but with extra symbols, which might be
required for example required by some applications? If not can we have
The reason I ask is that my own software, Mozart, requires some symbols
which SMuFL is reluctant to embody, and some I can see that SMuFL probably
wouldn't want.
In the first category are small G,C,F clefs, denoting clef changes (as
opposed to the big ones at the start of lines) as I've mentioned before.
Mozart selects the font and then draws the music. It doesn't stop to
reselect the font at a different size specifically to draw clef changes.
[OTOH it will never use clefs with 8's and 15's attached: it draws the 8s
and 15s as separate glyphs above/below the clef. So it would only need 3
extra clef glyphs.] As I've said before, I don't understand the omission
of the small clef symbols at all.
But a user-defined area where I could add them for Mozart, so that Mozart
could easily use a SMuFL-compliant font with specific added symbols would
do. (Though I still think they should be in the main symbol set.)
In the second category: Mozart (optionally) puts special control symbols on
the screen to assist music editing. (A case in point is a small loudspeaker
symbol to indicate a change in MIDI play-back parameters -
voice-change/channel-change etc - at some point in the music.) These do not
appear on the print out. It's analogous to being able to show tab and
paragraph markers in word processors.
I can understand that SMuFL would not want to anticipate or include such
things, but again an SMuFL-allocated private use area could include them,
and would be very useful.
David Webber
Mozart Music Software
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