[smufl-discuss] Re: Additional glyphs

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Additional glyphs

Thanks very much for these suggestions, Ahmed, and for providing sources
and meanings for each of the symbols you propose. It makes it very much
easier for me to evaluate each request.

> This proposals come from the Dante Agostini drum set notation which
> is widespread in France.
> - Circle slash notehead : used for the half open hi-hat
> - Strong X note head black : used for the crash cymbal
> - China black note head : used for the china
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/2hnix0pd45i0ahu/agostini.png

These requests seem uncontroversial to me, so I will add these as soon as
I can.

> We can see this symbol in "Nirvana Unplugged in New York" songbook.
> - Crossed slash from E120 to E123 : used for the muted chords
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/gs4xkw5eo9odccy/dead%20slash.png

Likewise, this seems uncontroversial to me, so I will add these.

> This repeat symbols are described by Elaine Gould (cf. Behind Bars
> p. 230). Like the tremolo E260~E264, other durations might be added.
> Another solution might be to used several slash E121 (maybe that's
> your intent).
> - Repeat Last 8th Group
> - Repeat Last 16th Group
> - Repeat Last 32th Group

SMuFL really only encodes multiple tremolo slashes as individual glyphs
because (a) that's how the Unicode Musical Symbols range was set up and
(b) I believe Finale's fonts include them as separate glyphs (not that it
is a requirement for SMuFL to be a superset of all other extant music
fonts, of course).

My inclination would be for this to be achieved by applications laying out
multiple instances of U+E121, rather than requiring new glyphs for this,
particularly since you could theoretically repeat the last 1024th group,
which would require eight slashes, and eight glyphs in total.

> - Brush up and brush down : this strumming symbols for guitar are
> described by Elaine Gould (cf. Behind Bars p.379). Moreover, brush
> arrowheads similar to EA8B~EA8C might be added in order to be
> composed with line primitives.

I don't know whether SMuFL in general should contain lots of arrowhead
types. Would the arrowheads encoded for the tops and bottoms of
arpeggiando lines be suitable?

> - Right hand tapping and left hand tapping : this symbols are used
> in the Joe Satriani's songbooks.

These seem like reasonable requests, so I will make a note to add these.

> - Open pedal, close pedal and half open pedal : this symbols are
> similar to E865~E867 and are often used for the wah pedal or volume


> - Stopped and open drums : idem

Are other appearances used for these symbols? If not, I would not propose
encoding them separately, since it's not necessarily the job of SMuFL to
encode every possible playing technique for every possible instrument, but
rather to provide the unique glyphs required to notate them, reusing
existing glyphs if that is desirable.

> - Fade in, fade out and volume swell : it's a kind of crescendo
> technique using the volume knobs of electric guitars (http://
> youtu.be/X9Wpzy590d8). The "fade out" is just a "fade in" mirrored.

Are these symbols ideally of variable length like a hairpin? If so, then
they are more like "exponential hairpins", which are regular hairpins with
flared ends like those shown in your fading graphic, and ideally it seems
these should be implemented using primitives rather than glyphs of a fixed

> - Choked cymbal : this is defined by Norman Weinberg p.22 in the
> "Guide to standardized drum set notation".

Would U+E50A be an acceptable glyph for this use?

> - Hard mallet, soft mallet and medium mallet : this is defined by
> Norman Weinberg defined p.26 in the "Guide to standardized drumset

These are already all included in the 'Beaters pictograms' range.

> PS : The text for the code E865 seems wrong and should be Closed /
> rim shot instead of Open / rim shot.

Yes, thank you. This has been fixed in the documentation already and will
be correct in the next revision.

Thanks again for your suggestions.


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