Le 23 juil. 2013 à 13:25, Emil B. Wojtacki <
[hidden email]> a écrit :
> Daniel Spreadbury wrote:
>>> - Brush up and brush down : this strumming symbols for guitar are
>>> >described by Elaine Gould (cf. Behind Bars p.379). Moreover, brush
>>> >arrowheads similar to EA8B~EA8C might be added in order to be
>>> >composed with line primitives.
>> I don't know whether SMuFL in general should contain lots of arrowhead
>> types. Would the arrowheads encoded for the tops and bottoms of
>> arpeggiando lines be suitable?
> I think it is a good idea to have arrowheads for straight lines in the font.
> By the way: there was a misunderstanding concerning vertical arrows, that are currently encoded at U+E689 and U+E68A. I suggested these glyphs and mentioned their meaning as sharper/flatter intonation, but I did not write what I meant, and I did not point out that they are used in a certain variety of meanings (like the one discussed now). My sincere apologies for this vagueness, I suggest to move them to the general articulation range.
Indeed, I didn't pay attention to this symbols since it is located in vocal techniques. I was expected to find this kind of arrows in guitar category (I'm a guitarist) or in an other more general.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that smufl encodes the symbols without their musical meanings. The category described in the specification exist only to help us to find a specific symbol. The associated text is an description of the usual usage for a symbol. This can be helpful if you share the same musical knowledge about each ussage of a specific symbol, but if not you might miss some of them.
Ahmed Tahar
Functional Analyst // Arobas Music
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