[smufl-discuss] Re: Bohlen-Pierce scale (Was: Hello)

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Bohlen-Pierce scale (Was: Hello)

Georg Hajdu
Hello Daniel,

The Bohlen-Pierce scale is a well-researched non-octave scale with 13 tones per just twelfth discovered independently by Heinz Bohlen, John Pierce and Kees van Prooijen in the 1970's and 80's. We have been instrumental in developing new instruments for this scale such as the soprano and tenor Bohlen-Pierce clarinets, and there are a number of active practitioners of this kind of music in the greater Hamburg area.

Because of its non-octave nature,  a new music theory for this scale had to be invented to which we have contributed in a recent paper called "Starting Over - Chances Afforded by a New Scale", to be published in the book 1001 Mikrotöne (http://www.bockelverlag.de/Einzeltitel/Mikrotoene-1001.html).

Basically, we came up with

- a chromatic six-line system (notes are either on a line or between lines, no alterations)
- alterations are being used for microtonal divisions into BP 3rd and 5th tones, the latter being (more or less) identical to 41TET, a.k.a. 41EDO)
- new note names ranging from N to Z
- new names for intervals (BP 0th to BP 13th, the latter is called a tritave)
- new clefs (N, T and Z are the standard ones). It was suggested by Nora Müller that we use something akin to the Sütterlin script.

We would be interested in having some, if not all, of the new symbols included in the SMuFL standard. it seems that there is still some space in the unicode private use area.
If there is a possibility, I would suggest that we come up with a list of symbol candidates after New Year's.



> On 15 Dec 2014, at 12:57, Daniel Spreadbury <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Georg wrote:
>> I have been interested for years in the Bohlen-Pierce scale and have
>> with the doctoral student and clarinettist Nora-Louise Müller
>> devised a new 6-line notation system for this non-octave scale. To
>> this end, we have introduced new note names and clefs (called N, T
>> and Z). I would be particularly interested in having the BP- clefs
>> included in the SMuFL project.
> Welcome to the SMuFL community, Georg.
> Can you tell us anything more about the Bohlen-Pierce scale and the new
> symbols you are proposing for inclusion in SMuFL?
> Daniel
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