[smufl-discuss] Re: Bohlen-Pierce scale (Was: Hello)

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Bohlen-Pierce scale (Was: Hello)

Georg wrote:

> We would be interested in having some, if not all, of the new
> symbols included in the SMuFL standard. it seems that there is still
> some space in the unicode private use area.
> If there is a possibility, I would suggest that we come up with a
> list of symbol candidates after New Year's.

All things are possible, of course! We will need to consider whether or
not your system of notation meets the somewhat nebulous criteria we have
used so far to determine inclusion in SMuFL. There are no concrete
guidelines about this, but through discussion I hope we would be able to
reach a consensus within the community. The sorts of considerations we
have used in the past are how well-established the notation in particular
is, whether it is adequately represented by existing Unicode ranges, how
widely it is supported by software, and so on.

By all means make your proposal when convenient and we will discuss it.



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