[smufl-discuss] Re: BravuraText and multi-note chords

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[smufl-discuss] Re: BravuraText and multi-note chords

Grzegorz Rolek

On 14 Nov 2014, at 10:48, Daniel Spreadbury wrote:

> It might be possible to do a further ligature substitution such that
> if a string consists of (say) "timeSigCombNumerator timeSig3
> timeSigCombDenominator timeSig4" it replaces those four glyphs (two
> non-printing, two printing) with a single glyph that contains
> correctly aligned "3/4" digits, and perhaps this could be done for a
> subset of reasonably common time signatures.

Looks more like a job for some type of glyph positioning, and I assume
the attachment-based positioning in particular: Each numerator defines
an optically-centered attachment point on bottom, each denominator a
similar one on top, and a simple lookup moves one class to the other so
that the points match. Doing it all with ligatures would be an overkill.

Grzegorz Rolek

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