[smufl-discuss] Re: BravuraText leger line problem

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[smufl-discuss] Re: BravuraText leger line problem

Glenn Linderman
Here's another that I had sent an attachment with and never heard back
from again... with a link this time... which may need BravuraText to be
locally installed to demonstrate the problem.


On 11/17/2014 12:40 AM, Daniel Spreadbury wrote:

> Glenn wrote:
>> I ventured outside the staff and discovered that the leger lines,
>> documented in SMUFL 1.0 as "should be zero width", are not, in
> BravuraText.
> In Bravura *Text* they are zero width (at U+E022, U+E023 and U+E024), but
> not in regular Bravura, which does not employ zero-width characters as
> this can cause problems with rendering in some applications on some
> operating systems.

Thanks for the response, Daniel, but I am doing all my testing with
BravuraText version 1.02 on Windows 7 in Firefox.

As you can see from the attached, which contains a wide staff, 2 spaces,
wide staff, wide leger at middle C, quarter note at middle C, the latter
two are not overlaid as expected.

I suppose it could be a Firefox bug, but wide staff is successfully zero
length in Firefox, so why not wide leger? (and the other legers)

Are you looking at an unreleased, newer version?

Clearly there is something different between your expectations, and my


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