Am 25.03.2014 12:34, schrieb Daniel Spreadbury:
> Urs wrote:
>> If you see a chance of getting hold of
>>>> somewhere, it contains a great number of use cases of contemporary
>> notation for voice.
> In general I would prefer to only add things to SMuFL after they have
> become somewhat established, rather than simply being idiosyncratic
> inventions of individual composers. It seems to me that it might be
> difficult to judge whether these kinds of contemporary innovations are
> going to stand the test of time. We do have a few glyphs in SMuFL already
> that are very contemporary and may not last (e.g. Saunders's "vibrato
> pulse" stem decoration) but in general I'm trying to avoid such things.
> Daniel
That's what the book tries to establish to some extent. But I can't tell
you for all cases what has already become standard practice. What is a
point _for_ this book is that its author has been "socialized" with
"new" vocal music in it initial years when composers like Lachenmann,
Ligeti, Schnebel etc. explored new worlds of expression and notation. I
think much of that time has by now been established as common practice.
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