[smufl-discuss] Re: Breath marks -- possible anomaly?

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Breath marks -- possible anomaly?

Peter Trubinov
Thanks Daniel for adding this upbow-like breath mark. Yes, it's good
idea to have all these breath marks in the 'Holds and pauses' group.

If the possibility to add new symbols is not yet closed I have few
other suggestions.


Dr. Peter Trubinov
 tel. worldwide: +358 50 486 77 96
 when in Russia: +7 921 438 62 88

2014-03-25 14:12 GMT+02:00 Daniel Spreadbury <[hidden email]>:
> I am also happy to add the upbow-like breath mark described by Peter in
> his reply to this thread, and likewise suggest that it too goes in the
> 'Holds and pauses' range rather than the 'Vocal techniques' range.

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