[smufl-discuss] Re: Fwd: Arabic notation 3/4 flat accidental missing

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Fwd: Arabic notation 3/4 flat accidental missing

Karim wrote:

> I'm working on bringing Arabic and Turkish notation to a number of
> open source projects. I did some research on the availability of
> Arabic and Turkish glyphs in SMuFL, and I found them all with one
> exception: the Arabic 3/4 flat accidental.

I see that the remainder of the accidentals used in this symbol are a combination of Stein-Zimmermann accidentals (1/4 and 3/4 sharp) and the AEU accidentals (1/4 flat).

I'm very happy to add this 3/4 flat accidental as requested, but before I create a new group to contain these six accidentals (rather than simply adding the new 3/4 flat accidental to the existing 'Other accidentals' range, which is a rag-bag of symbols that do not themselves form coherent and self-contained systems), can you provide any references to other uses of this 3/4 flat accidental, or publications that give a specific name to this particular grouping of accidentals as being specifically a 24-EDO system for Arabic music?

In the meantime, I've added a GitHub issue for this request:


and I expect it will be possible to include this in the upcoming SMuFL 1.2 release.


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