Knut wrote:
> I see your point, but then let me ask you, what's
the reason for including > each letter in the Piano pedal indication as separate characters?
I realise > of course that adjustments in spacing probably is not the reason for
their > inclusion, but perhaps there is common ground here anyway.
If I remember correctly, these were added in SMuFL
because they were present in LilyPond's main font, Emmentaler.
> Another reason entirely, is for the user to be
able to construct octave > indications not included in the range, such as 8b, 8a (or their two
and > three-octave equivalents). Adding regular and superscript period characters > to this glyph range as well, would perhaps be appropriate for the
same > reason.
The ability to create custom abbreviations is a more
compelling reason to me than the ability to adjust the tracking of existing,
standard symbols. I will make a note of this for consideration in a future
SMuFL update.
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Phone: +49 (40) 21035-0 | Fax: +49 (40) 21035-300 |
President: Andreas Stelling | Managing Director: Hiroshi Sasaki, Hirofumi Osawa
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