[smufl-discuss] Re: Hufnagel plainchant style

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Hufnagel plainchant style

Grzegorz Rolek

> If you know of a good source that describes the requirements of
> Hufnagelschrift (either online or a book), please point me in the right
> direction.

There aren't too many sources that would deal with Hufnagelschrift from
typographical point of view. Few widely available publications, for
example, any relatively recent edition of Harvard Dictionary of Music,
under Neumes [1], or Parrish's The Notation of Medieval Music, p. 6 [2],
although they make comparative tables of different neume styles, they do
it for illustrative purposes only and the shapes themselves, taken
probably from one particular manuscript, aren't too specific.

Now really exceptional source in this field is Kathi Meyer-Baer's
Liturgical Music Incunabula: a Descriptive Catalogue, London 1962 [3].
In the introduction there are figures that draw simplified outlines of
all the different neumes as used by different printers in their
incunabula, both Roman and Gothic ones. If we'd like to have a useable
Hufnagelschrift typographical system, that would be the source to model
it from.

Grzegorz Rolek

[1] http://books.google.com/books?id=02rFSecPhEsC&lpg=PA561&pg=PA560#v=onepage&f=false
[2] http://books.google.com/books?id=F6J7ifWI210C&lpg=PP1&pg=PA6#v=onepage&f=false
[3] http://questia.com/library/97551430/liturgical-music-incunabula-a-descriptive-catalogue

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