Grzegorz wrote:
> Thus fractional time signature could be defined as follows: any
> sequence of zero or more time signature digits, followed by the (one
> and only) fractional time control character, followed by any
> sequence of zero or more time signature digits. Such a time
> signature might then be displayed as vertically stacked one, either
> by auxiliary glyph positioning, font-defined glyph positioning,
> ligatures, or whatever one likes best. Note also the ‘zero or more’
> phrasing — that’s for those cases where there’s a need for only
> either the nominator or denominator in such a vertical setting.
At present we do not have a specific recommended solution for fractional
numbers in time signatures as part of the SMuFL specification.
We have control characters for setting a digit to be a numerator and
another for setting a digit to be a denominator, and I understand that the
point you make applies here too: we could instead have some kind of
separator control character that would cause each digit prior to the
control character to be treated as a numerator and each digit following it
to be treated as a denominator (though there is still some complexity here
in terms of ensuring that the digits are correctly aligned in relationship
to one another, particularly if you have different numbers of digits above
and below).
However, we don't yet have a solution in place for numerators that include
fractions, so the approach you suggest could certainly be considered for
that situation.
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