[smufl-discuss] Re: Lower hyphens for lyrics in vocal parts

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Lower hyphens for lyrics in vocal parts

Peter Trubinov
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Daniel Spreadbury
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> We should probably have a specific range of
> glyphs for symbols used in lyrics. For example, at the moment we don't
> have any glyphs for indicating elision (though there is an adequate
> Unicode glyph, UNDERTIE, at U+203F, it might be useful to provide a couple
> of sizes, as e.g. Emmentaler does)

That's great that you plan to have such a group. So if you will create
clones of UNDERTIE in different sizes you might want to take into
consideration these examples:

Ruggero Leoncavallo. Pagliacci. Piano-vocal score. Edition Peters.

Especially the second one where Undertie symbol covers not only a
space but also a comma before that. In this sense symbols U+0028,
U+0029 and U+005F in Opus Text font provide even more flexibility than

All the best,

Dr. Peter Trubinov
 tel. worldwide: +358 50 486 77 96
 when in Russia: +7 921 438 62 88

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