[smufl-discuss] Re: "Music Enhanced Text Fonts" (Slightly OT)

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[smufl-discuss] Re: "Music Enhanced Text Fonts" (Slightly OT)

Dave wrote:

> But none of that means I couldn't put the accidentals at SMuFL's code
> points, and I'm investigating that possibility.   In fact I've started
> looking at Bravura Text and I've already (I believe) found some oddities
> the symbols for chord names:
> E870, E871  (diminished and half-diminished)  sit on the base line. I'd
> have expected them to be raised, much like the degree symbol, to match
> in the form of B°7.

They're on the baseline because there are multiple conventions for their
alignment in chord symbols. Putting them on the baseline (and, it was
intended, at roughly the caps height, though that's not right at the
moment) means that they will be appropriately sized for the root note name
if the user desires them to appear on the baseline, and they can be made
superscript if the user prefers them smaller and raised from the baseline.
Making them raised and smaller in the font itself prevents their use on
the baseline.

> E873 (major 7th) is tiny!   It should surely be approximately at least
> size of an 'A' or maybe just a bit shorter?

I intended all of the symbols between E870 and E874 to have a consistent
height, roughly in line with the caps height, but I can see that in the
current version they are not appropriately scaled. I'll fix this before
the 1.0 release.

> E875-E878  (parentheses and brackets) are potentially enormous - much
> than text with a caps height equal to the stave height - except that
they go
> well above the WinAscent and are therefore not readily usable.

These are intended to be roughly twice the caps height of a standard text
font, which they are.

> And a general comment: in the 'chord symbol range' I don't have separate

> brackets or parentheses, () []  but I do have a separate slash / which
> doesn't.   Is it worth SMuFL including a slash for chords like Eb7/G and

> C6/9 - eg at E87A?

SMuFL only encodes large parentheses that are unlikely to be present in
the text font used for the chord root and alteration, since it is assumed
that all glyphs required for chord symbols will come from a regular text
font, so hopefully the regular slash in the Latin set will suffice.


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