> The environment I'm working with supports Truetype fonts only. If I
> convert the OTF version of Bravura to TTF am I losing any data?
Basically, no. But there are two kinds of TrueType fonts: with or
without OpenType features, and some legacy systems won't read the
features part. But the features are, if I recall correctly, not really
essential within Bravura, so this shouldn't be an issue. If you need the
features, though, make sure the converter won't strip them off assuming
you meant the plain TrueType font (both kinds have the .ttf extension).
There's also a problem of so-called hinting: cues that aid the rendering
of glyphs into a pixel grid. They're not quite convertible between the
two formats and you may see a slight degradation of rendering quality
after the conversion. Some font editors can do auto-hinting for both,
what can improve the situation a litte (or quite the opposite, so always
compare different outcomes).
Grzegorz Rolek
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