Am 29.01.2014 10:40, schrieb Maurizio M. Gavioli:
> The standard already provides for parentheses for note heads, for time
> signatures (two sets), for figured bass and for function theory; would not
> it be the case to provide open and closed parentheses for accidentals too?
> I'm not sure this qualifies as a semantic difference, probably not, but the
> same goes for the other parentheses as well; the main reason being a matter
> of size (accidental parentheses need to be taller than note head
> parentheses), much like the clef / clef change vexata quaestio.
> However, from the point of view of a standard, the scaling ratio from note
> head parentheses to accidental parentheses may, in principle, depends upon
> design choices of the single font and would be rather difficult (or
> arbitrary) to generalize.
> Or am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> Maurizio M. Gavioli
I think having specific glyphs for different types of parentheses (as
already present for numbers) would be a good idea.
Is it possible to define behaviour what happens when a font only has
"default parentheses" but no specialized ones?
Urs Liska
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