[smufl-discuss] Re: Please restore immutable code points

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Please restore immutable code points

David Webber
From: Good, Michael

>.... I first wanted to discuss one fundamental issue introduced in SMuFL
which I believe greatly decreases SMuFL's usefulness. I hope that this
change can be undone for SMuFL 0.8. This is the statement that code points
may change between revisions, and that canonical names should be used
instead (p. 13)....<

I'll add 2d agreeing with Michael.   I can't see that any program using a
SMuFL font will want to ask for characters by name - they'll use code points
because that's what code points are for!   And if a program is designed to
use Bravura 41,  you don't want it to start generating nonsense if the user
decides to replace it in his font collection with Bravura 42.


David Webber
Mozart Music Software

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