[smufl-discuss] Re: Private use area?

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Private use area?

For the record, the thought of duplicating all existing clef glyphs for the
sake of providing consistent clef changes is, in my opinion, just insane,
even though it would be, well, just that: consistent. And I certainly would
not want to lose any of the current clefs. But nevertheless, considering my
previous statements, I'd say that this is not so much an argument against
the inclusion of smaller clef glyphs, but merely a further complication of
the issue. [Did I just use the word "merely" to describe this?]

However, maybe there is another way to tackle this: could this be done with
font meta-data? My main problem with the status quo is that the question of
the actual scale factor just is not addressed at all. And while it is
apparently done (as shown in my real life example), the equation clef change
scale factor = cue size scale factor is just not true. Consulting the Gospel
according to St. Elaine, I find the three commandments of "Thou shalt scale
your clef changes at 2/3!", "Thou shalt scale your cues at roughly 3/4!" and
"Though shalt scale [considering certain gnostic exegeses of the scriptures]
your grace notes at somewhere between 9/15 and 9/14!". Further complicating
matters, we know that commandments of that sort are not set in stone - well,
at least when looking at practice of religious life, they aren't.

If a font would provide meta-data for those three scaling factors, an
application would be free to use or ignore these values, while font
designers could at least explicitly state their wishes on how they want
their fonts to function in contexts where glyphs positively have to be
scaled. It would not solve the problem Peter pointed out, but, again,
designers would have the chance to design their glyphs in a way that scaling
them according to the designer's intention will at least not harm the
symbols unnecessarily.



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