From: notenlektorat
>... the equation clef change
scale factor = cue size scale factor is just not true. Consulting the Gospel
according to St. Elaine, I find the three commandments of "Thou shalt scale
your clef changes at 2/3!", "Thou shalt scale your cues at roughly 3/4!" and
"Though shalt scale [considering certain gnostic exegeses of the scriptures]
your grace notes at somewhere between 9/15 and 9/14!". Further complicating
matters, we know that commandments of that sort are not set in stone - well,
at least when looking at practice of religious life, they aren't....
I'm sure Elaine's values are very good starting points. (I can't remember
the size ratio of the clefs in my fonts - they were designed long before
Elaine published her book, but they look about right, so I'm not overly
fussed about changing them.)
But surely having different proportions is what having different fonts is
about? Different text fonts have different x-heights, ascenders,
descenders etc relative to the caps height, so surely different SMuFL
compliant fonts might have slightly different dimensions in the same way.
So in the end it isn't a decision for SMuFL but one for Bravura or any other
David Webber
Mozart Music Software
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