From: Daniel Spreadbury
>> My drawing procedure actually creates three fonts for music items:
>> ...
>> The font section is thus schematically:
>> if( cue item ) use cue font
>> else if( chord symbol ) use chord font
>> else use standard font
> This merely reinforces my point: you already need to use three different
fonts. You have the freedom to encode your clef change glyphs in the
"private use area" to keep the number of fonts required to three, or you
can follow the SMuFL method and (shock! horror!) use four.<
Well seven actually:
Normal music
Clef changes within normal music
Grace notes within normal music
Cued music
Clef changes within cued parts
Grace notes within cued parts
Chord symbols
>> To be brutally honest, I think the inclusion of all these variant clefs
>> SMuFL is way over the top, especially considering that the simplest
>> variation (clef changes are smaller than start-of-line clefs) is
> That would assume that clef changes comprise a "variation", which is
arguable (and I would argue is incorrect). We will have to continue to
agree to disagree on this point! <
I regard them as as much of a variation as lower case c is of upper case C.
>...Anyway, I'm afraid I'm not going to change my mind on this point as
is no more compelling argument made in favour of adding clef change glyphs
since the issue was first discussed nearly a year ago...
No I can see that. The private use area would have to do. Still seems odd
David Webber
Mozart Music Software
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