[smufl-discuss] Re: Private use area?

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Private use area?

Grzegorz Rolek

Emil B. Wojtacki wrote:

> Well, I would say rather, that the "regular clef" is an "initial
> variant" of a changing clef, i.e. a kind of flag, or reminder.

Interesting point of view indeed. In somewhat more abstract terms then,
the main function of a clef would be to reset, or change, pitch
reference on the staff, with a special case of a reset from previously
undefined state, the beginning of the staff.

> However, it is possible for rendering devices to perform glyph
> substitutions for Arabic, since typesetting relies on text strings. But
> engraving does not. Scoring applications engrave music by outputting
> single characters at different positions, not by outputting text strings
> (except for textual annotations, like tempi or lyrics). This is a way of
> thinking similar to manual engraving, like with steel punches in plates
> from tin and lead. One punch, one character, one codepoint. And
> contextual glyph variants cannot be substituted automatically by
> rendering device (no text strings = no context), they must be picked
> explicitly by an application.

This is very reasonable. Having a more text-oriented background, I have
to be reminded that SMuFL is more about 'font layout' as opposed to
'music encoding', after all. I'm curious then, how SMuFL for text
settings will eventually shape out.

Kind regards,
Grzegorz Rolek

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