Just an engravers' comment on positioning rests:
Daniel Spreadbury wrote:
> Finale does a better job here than Sibelius, in my opinion. And in my
> opinion it makes sense for the rest glyphs to be registered in a fashion
> that makes Finale's default appearance easy for a scoring application,
> which I think means that rests should be positioned relative to the font
> baseline as if the font baseline is the middle staff line of a 5-line
> staff (or indeed the only staff line of a 1-line staff, which is nominally
> equivalent to the middle staff line of a 5-line staff anyway), which is
> how rests are currently registered in (my development version of) Bravura,
> like this:
> Bravura -
http://i.imgbox.com/adrRgVav.pngAs to my eye, with this registration, on a one-line staff quaver rest
should go 0.5 space higher, and
semiquaver, hemidemisemiquaver (and so on) rests should go 1 space higher.
So there may be a (little, but still) difference between the middle of
the 5-lines staff and single-line staff (which I have overseen when
proposed registration).
Emil Wojtacki
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