Ainhoa wrote:
> I am implementing repetition musical symbols with Bravura, but I can´t
> Fine (D.S al Fine) and repeating squares:
Bravura doesn't include all repeat text instructions, or indeed the
brackets needed for ending lines, for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, it only includes glyphs for 'D.C.' and 'D.S.' because they were
part of the Unicode Musical Symbols range upon which SMuFL is based; in
the SMuFL specification I recommend that scoring applications use a
regular text font to produce this kind of arbitrary text (and by extension
other things like tempo indications, text descriptions of playing
techniques, etc.) rather than having dedicated glyphs in SMuFL, since it
is customary for those indications to be written in the same typeface as
used for e.g. the title, lyrics, and so on.
Secondly, it doesn't encode the ending brackets themselves because they
are required to be of variable length. I recommend that scoring
applications draw ending lines using primitives, rather than using font
I hope this helps!
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