[smufl-discuss] Re: Request for comment: Proposal for SMuFL metadata files

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Request for comment: Proposal for SMuFL metadata files

2013/10/28 Daniel Spreadbury <[hidden email]>:
> http://www.smufl.org/files/bravura-metadata.zip

Does the font designer need a means of specifying where augmentation
dots are to be placed horizontally relative to the notehead/rest or is
that up to the typesetting software/user settings?  In the case of
short rests (sub-8th), there are also different ways of placing the
dots vertically.  Short dotted rests are not common, but there is
disagreement among music typesetting software.  E.g. on a 32nd rest,
Finale and Sibelius put the dot beside the middle hook, but Score and
Lilypond put it beside the upper hook.

Also, will the typesetting software/user be responsible for choosing
the default horizontal distance of accidentals to noteheads or should
the font designer get the chance to do that?

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