[smufl-discuss] Re: Request for comment: Proposal for SMuFL metadata files

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Request for comment: Proposal for SMuFL metadata files

Thomas wrote:

> Does the font designer need a means of specifying where augmentation
> dots are to be placed horizontally relative to the notehead/rest or is
> that up to the typesetting software/user settings?  In the case of
> short rests (sub-8th), there are also different ways of placing the
> dots vertically.  Short dotted rests are not common, but there is
> disagreement among music typesetting software.  E.g. on a 32nd rest,
> Finale and Sibelius put the dot beside the middle hook, but Score and
> Lilypond put it beside the upper hook.
> Also, will the typesetting software/user be responsible for choosing
> the default horizontal distance of accidentals to noteheads or should
> the font designer get the chance to do that?

My response to this is that I think this is the responsibility of the
consuming software, rather than the font designer. Although you could
argue that the font designer might have a specific rationale for wanting
augmentation dots to be positioned just so, I would state that the
conventions of music engraving are strong enough that it is acceptable to
assume that the consuming software can handle the placement of
augmentation dots.

For use in text-based applications, of course, there might be a different
argument for considering e.g. ligatures of notes or rests with
augmentation dots, since text-based applications have to rely on the font
for locking up disparate symbols rather than sophisticated engraving


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