Essentially, yes the high parentheses and brackets should accommodate two
lines of text. This is a fairly common use with stacked chord suffixes.
Here is a link to an image of our brackets that has a few letters inserted
for reference. Adler
On 12/21/13 5:32 PM, "Daniel Spreadbury" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>Thanks for these suggestions for new glyphs to include, Michael. On the
>whole they are reasonable, and I will definitely consider them for the
>next revision of SMuFL. I do need clarification in one instance:
>> - Double-high parentheses and brackets for stacked chord symbols. The
>> style for these is often different than scaling a parenthesis or bracket
>> from a different point size. Perhaps these could be added in the chord
>> symbol range in a similar way that the parentheses and brackets are
>> included in the function theory symbols range?
>When you say "double-high", do you mean the height of two lines of
>full-height text?
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