[smufl-discuss] Re: SMuFL 0.5 and Bravura 0.2 released

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[smufl-discuss] Re: SMuFL 0.5 and Bravura 0.2 released

Mark Johnson
Brilliant and beautiful work again, Daniel! This is amazing.
A few comments from my first glance at the PDF.


The names and glyphs of tuplet characters for metronome marks
(U+E22D~33) don’t correspond; they need to be sorted.

For the Sagittal accidentals U+E360~ I think a font was not embedded
in the PDF. They’re displaying as very compressed low-ascii characters
or not at all for me here.

Font design:

The stems on Beamed groups of notes U+E220~ are lighter than those
Individual notes U+E200~. I think they should be at least as heavy,
since they usually appear smaller in metronome markings than notes on
the staff. My aesthetic preference would be to thin the stems on
Individual notes a bit.

The triplet example on p. 41 bothers me because the bracket doesn’t
fully enclose the flag on the eighth note. Perhaps this can be solved
by kerning? I prefer to see tuplet brackets extend out at least 0.25sp
past a stem on the stem-side.

Re “Do not copy” U+EB03, the standard red slashed circle is an
unbroken backslash, northwest to southeast, and covering over the
thing condemned. This glyph looks too kind & gentle, ineffective at
dissuasion. It could almost be taken for a stamp signifying that this
is a copy. Since we can’t specify red, maybe you could reverse out the
letter shapes underneath the slash instead of vice-versa.

Other little opinions:

The short & long fermati U+E502~ progress in order of length, but at a
glance it seems illogical to order the double-stroke angled ones
(short) before single stroke, when the double-stroke square ones
(long) come after their corresponding single stroke ones. My mind
wants them to go: round; pointy (single, double); square (single,

In my opinion, including 5 and 6 p’s and f’s in the font encoding is
beans. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Beans> It tacitly
encourages people to write markings that are distorted beyond
practical meaning. I would rather draw the line at 4, as
Finale/Petrucci did. You just know someone will complain that there’s
no glyph for sfffz … but it’s not necessary. The individual letters
combine just fine.

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