[smufl-discuss] Re: SMuFL 0.99 and Bravura 0.99 (1.0 Release Candidate) released

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[smufl-discuss] Re: SMuFL 0.99 and Bravura 0.99 (1.0 Release Candidate) released

Grzegorz Rolek
Hello Daniel and all,

Sorry for a late discussion like this, but the proposition I make below
is pretty straightforward and would have no side effects, so I hope
that's not really an issue.

There are currently two forms of Punctum deminutum in the spec: the
lower and the upper form. These are all good, at least from the
presentational (or scoring) perspective. But from the encoding (or
input) point of view it makes little sense to chose one or the other
specifically, when they can be substituted automatically based on
context. That's how Lilypond does it, for example: you define a punctum
as deminutum, and the exact form is being chosen automatically. Think
also of a regular punctum that can take two different forms, the lower
and upper podatus parts, based also solely on context.

My proposition is then to add such "Punctum deminutum" to single-note
forms. The lower and upper forms would stay intact in the multiple-notes
section for scoring apps to use, similarly to the two podatus parts we
have in the spec today.

Now because the punctum deminutum practically does not appear as a
standalone glyph in literature, it has no 'sanctioned' shape. Gregorio
draws it simply as diminished punctum [1], what puts it in line with
other diminished, liquescent notes (a reasonable thing to do, in my

In fact, as it turns out, with such punctum deminutum on board, the
single-note section would have all the required plainchant characters for
context-aware environments, the multiple-note section having only
the additional presentational forms — ones to be picked up directly by
programs that can deal with separate glyphs only.

Kind regards,
Grzegorz Rolek

[1] http://home.gna.org/gregorio/gabc/#onenote

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