Alex wrote:
> Since you have been musing: what would be arguments in favour of such
> a promotion?
The argument would be that straight flags are sufficiently distinct from
the regular, curvy kind that they might not be simply considered as
stylistic alternates. Although their meaning is the same as regular, curvy
flags, their appearance is very dissimilar.
SMuFL is not specifically organised by semantic meaning, however. There
are already a number of characters that have the same semantic meaning but
different appearances, e.g. slash noteheads with horizontal ends and slash
noteheads with vertical ends; normal crotchet rest and old-style (reversed
quaver) crotchet rest, etc.
Existing music fonts have also typically included both straight flags and
regular, curvy flags as distinct characters at different code points.
None of these arguments is especially strong, of course. It seems clear to
me that the "short" stylistic set included in Bravura is genuinely a
stylistic alternate for the normal, curvy flags, as is the "small"
stylistic set comprising optical variants. But the straight flags seem
distinct enough to me in comparison to the regular, curvy flags that it at
least warrants consideration.
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