From: Daniel Spreadbury
>...Straight flags are used in works by 20th century composers such as Berio
and Boulez, both of whom happen to be published by Universal Edition.
There is not much (if any) discussion of straight flags in Read, Stone, or
indeed Gould.
> My question to the community is this: should straight flags be promoted
from their current status as recommended optional glyphs to the higher
status of recommended characters?
My impression, if these are just a different style of flag, rather than
indicating anything musically different, is that this is just a form of
'house style' adopted by the publisher for certain cases.
Shouldn't a music font contain symbols in a coherent style just as a text
font does? I mean for text, the fonts 'Arial' and 'Times New Roman' (for
example) (and thousands of others) contain the same collection of characters
with the same semantic meaning, but which are drawn rather differently. To
get text with different appearance you select the font which provides the
appearance you want.
In the same way I can conceive of lots of different music fonts, some with
straight flags, others with more traditional flags. Isn't that what a
choice of fonts is for?
In fact I might argue the same for F-clef styles (curving one way or the
other) and breve symbols (square or round-between-||) and so on, but I can
also see that you might want to use one in one case and another in another,
without the overhead of having another enormous fonts with otherwise
identical symbols.
So there is a case for alternative styles within the same font, and a case
for having alternative fonts. I think the balance for flags is to have an
alternative font.
David Webber
Mozart Music Software
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