From: Good, Michael
>.... The rationale for the dynamics size in Maestro is that dynamics match the size for all other musical symbols in the font, such as noteheads. Rather than looking at the combination of an mf in Bravura and an mf in Times New Roman, the consistency we care more about is between an mf in Bravura and a whole notehead in Bravura at the same point size.... >...To be consistent, the same would happen for the D.C./D.S. symbols, though those are much less used and thus less important. I agree completely that font sizes should be consistent - but not really that DC DS etc. are 'less important'. A notation program (any notation program, I would imagine) will want to be able to choose a font at a given size and just print the music, without having to worry about "this is a dynamic so I need to select the font at 31/42 of the previous height", and "this is a DC so I need to select the font at 29/42 of the previous height" and so on (adjust numbers to taste). I can see two exceptions: cue notes: these will be produced by using the notes (and indeed, if one has a cue staff, possibly the whole font) at a small size than the 'normal' music. text: I don't believe there is any unique sizing for text (like 'Andante') relative to the staff, nor indeed chord names like G7. But SMuFL is not, I believe, concerning itself with these at this stage. If I remember right, SMuFL takes the size of the 5-line staff as its 'font size'. If I'm right, a 72 point font will produce a 5-line staff 1 inch high. In this case the size of the letters - eg mp - in a dynamic will NOT be the same size as those letters in text in a text application. Which is fair enough - they're not at the same code points as m and p in a latin font, so why should one expect them to be? The same principle (and I'm not entirely sorry to keep mentioning this) indicates that two clef sizes should be present (like upper and lower case letters) at different code points: one for clefs at the start of lines; smaller ones for clef changes. [The only problem I can see with this is the SMuFL treats clefs decorated with 8, 15, and whatever as separate characters, implying possibly that more than 3 smaller clefs (G/F/C) would be needed for consistency. But I think this is an artificial problem: I'd much rather see only straight C/F/G clefs present in the two sizes, with (appropriately scaled) italic digits available for adding the 8 and 15 as separate glyphs.] Dave David Webber Mozart Music Software ############################################################# This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list <[hidden email]>. To unsubscribe, E-mail to: <[hidden email]> To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to <[hidden email]> To switch to the INDEX mode, E-mail to <[hidden email]> Send administrative queries to <[hidden email]> |
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