[smufl-discuss] Re: Testing of fonts

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Testing of fonts

Adrian Holovaty
Hi Abraham (and anybody else interested),

I'd be happy to put together a sample page on Soundslice that uses a bunch of SMuFL glyphs and allows you to render it with your own local music font, without needing to share the font with anybody or even upload it to Soundslice. Email me off-list if you're interested!

Cheers -

Adrian Holovaty

On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Abraham Lee <[hidden email]> wrote:

When we have fonts that we'd like to test, but have no way to do so
under the SMuFL standard, how would you recommend we go about doing
that? Should we send them to you for prototyping in the new Steinberg
system? Maybe you could create a sampler page that shows them off so
we can see if everything aligns as they should...


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