Abraham wrote:
> When we have fonts that we'd like to test, but have no way to do so
> under the SMuFL standard, how would you recommend we go about doing
> that? Should we send them to you for prototyping in the new Steinberg
> system? Maybe you could create a sampler page that shows them off so
> we can see if everything aligns as they should...
In theory I believe you could test them in MuseScore 2.0, though I'm not
sure what mechanism is provided in that application for choosing a music
font other than the two or three that are included with the program.
We don't have anything that we can share publicly of our own application
at present, but I would be happy to do some informal testing of any
SMuFL-compliant font in our application and let you or any other
interested font developer know of any problems I observe. Our own
application does not yet by any means make use of all of the glyphs in
Bravura, or indeed all of the metadata, but general issues of scaling and
glyph registration for the most-used glyphs would certainly be evident.
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Phone: +49 (40) 21035-0 | Fax: +49 (40) 21035-300 | www.steinberg.net
President: Andreas Stelling | Managing Director: Hiroshi Sasaki, Hirofumi Osawa
Registration Court: Hamburg HRB 86534
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