[smufl-discuss] Re: U+E870 - U+E8AF: Mensural and Renaissance notes

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[smufl-discuss] Re: U+E870 - U+E8AF: Mensural and Renaissance notes

Maurizio wrote:

> Possibly, however, some guide lines (explicit or implied)
> about the level of detail or the total list size might have influenced
> (surely grounded) choices. It is these guide lines that I'm trying to
> understand.

There aren't any formal guidelines on the level of detail or the list
size, since the standardisation effort is still quite young and at the
moment there is no immediate constraint on the number of code points we
can use. (Indeed, given that there are plenty of other Private Use Area
code points in Unicode beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane, there may
never be a practical constraint on the number of code points we can use,
though there are some considerations about how existing software is able
to use code points beyond the 16-bit ranges.)

> Thank you for your trust. If possible, I'll try to put together two
> hypotheses: one minimal, more visually oriented, including only distinct
> shapes and one larger, more semantically oriented, with more
> Then the 'committee' could choose, also taking into account the
> space in the 'large picture'.
> I'll also try to provide examples: in principle, there is no lack of
them on
> line, but looking for specific -- maybe less frequent -- shapes may take
> some time. Is there any time frame?

There's no particular timeframe: SMuFL is a somewhat open-ended project.
However, we must be sensitive to the fact that continuing to grow the
standard unbounded does place a growing burden on any font designer who
wishes to design SMuFL-compliant fonts (though they are of course free to
use glyphs from Bravura if they don't want to design every single glyph in
the standard, provided they are happy to release their own font under the
SIL Open Font License), so I would rather not be in the position that we
need to add hundreds more symbols for MedRen music. On the other hand, if
that is the true size of the repertoire of missing symbols, then it needs
to be given serious consideration.


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