I have to agree with Thomas on this one. A wiki would go a long way to
make this process much more user-friendly to those participating,
especially to any latecomers to the discussion that would like to easily
catch up on the discussions. Why not organize the various threads now?
Mark Adler
On 6/21/13 3:02 AM, "Daniel Spreadbury" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>Thomas wrote:
>> What does everyone think about setting up a Wiki that bundles the
>> discussion by topic so that you're not forced to dig through e-mail
>> archives to get the complete picture and the latest state of a
>> discussion?
>I think a wiki will be a useful tool for this initiative once it has
>matured a little further. Once the broad strokes of the recommendations
>for font authoring have been put in place, for example, I think a wiki
>would be an excellent environment for those guidelines to be maintained.
>also agree that using version control software to help manage changes is
>crucial. I am already using all of these tools to manage the changes to
>SMuFL, but at the moment I'm not in a position to open them up to the
>community, though I absolutely aim to do so in the future.
>While we're at an early stage, however, I think we can manage
>and discussion of issues via this mailing list.
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