[smufl-discuss] Re: Using a wiki to track progress (Was: Next steps)

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Using a wiki to track progress (Was: Next steps)

Sorry about the last mail - classical user error on my side.

2013/6/21 Adler, Mark <[hidden email]>:
> I have to agree with Thomas on this one. A wiki would go a long way to
> make this process much more user-friendly to those participating,
> especially to any latecomers to the discussion that would like to easily
> catch up on the discussions. Why not organize the various threads now?

This is an excellent summary of my motivation, i.e. structuring the
*process* and helping the participants of the discussion not to get
lost.  It would also help to avoid that already discussed questions
are popping up again because people didn't read all the mails from the
archive (or don't remember what's been discussed).

Right now, about 120 e-mails have been sent to this mailing list.  It
would certainly be possible to condense that discussion to a small
number of Wiki pages.

Have a nice weekend!
Thomas Weber

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