[smufl-discuss] Re: Whole/Half-barrest with attached staffline-section

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Whole/Half-barrest with attached staffline-section

Christof Schardt
> I don't think scoring applications will have need of these glyphs, since
> they can generally speaking construct leger lines with no difficulties,
> but I can see that for text-based applications this might be useful. I
> will add these two proposed glyphs to the 'Rests' range in the next
> revision.

Thanks, that's great.

Of course you are right, in normal staff contexts
a notation program has no problem to provide the
combined symbol (ledger plus rest).

But in PriMus 2.0 there will be diatonic accordion staves,
which include chord/bass-tracks, that consist also
of free rest symbols. In this context the staffless
rests are extremely useful.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christof Schardt
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