[smufl-discuss] Re: Windows support for OpenType features

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Windows support for OpenType features

David Webber
From: Emil B.Wojtacki

> I see standard ligatures ('liga') correctly rendered in Notepad under
Windows XP at least in OpenType fonts with postscript outlines (e.g. in
IM FELL English PRO typeface). It seems unlikely that Notepad uses any
sort of specialized API. Did you try to enable support for Eastern
languages in Control Panel in Windows XP? <

I confess I haven't actually got my old XP machine out - I was searching
Microsoft's information for how I would best use the features, and I was
looking specifically for variants rather than ligatures, because I was
worrying about the accessibility of any glyphs which might *only* be encoded
as variants of others.


David Webber
Mozart Music Software

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