[smufl-discuss] Re: Wrong names for note names in french

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[smufl-discuss] Re: Wrong names for note names in french

David Webber
From: Ahmed Tahar

>> German does indeed have different note names for altered notes  (like As
>> and Ais for Ab and A#)  but apart from  H for B and B for Bb I don't
>> think this is a problem because Ab7 is (i believe) the normal way to
>> write that chord in German.   However other alphabetic characters do
>> appear like Hv for Bdim.<<

> For now, H# is missing.

My concern is only for how chord names are written using the font.   If the
font has H and # then H# is not missing.

> I don't know the note names for each languages. The japanese, byzantine
> and indian names seems to be different though. So maybe to so extent
> you're right.

But again, the question is not whether the note names are different, but
whether they're used for writing chord symbols in the music.    [I've seen
various western European variants:  B7 Hv La9,  and I've even seen a
"half-German" convention where B is H but Bb is still Bb, but I've never
seen japanese, byzantyne, indian, cyrillic, greek, arabic, ... scripts used
for chord names in music, but maybe that's just my experience.]

To give a more concrete idea of where I'm coming from: in my own software,
Mozart, the chord names are constructed from symbols in the music font, and
the music font predates the rise of unicode, so it is a Windows Symbol font
restricted to less than 256 characters.   So that it can encompass chord
symbols, it contains characters A B C D E F G (and H for German notation),
the numbers 0-9, as well as individual glyphs for 'aug' 'dim' 'maj' and the
graphic dim, half-dim, maj7-triangle>  But it can't contain the whole
alphabet.   It can be used to write chord names in anglophone and german
conventions B#7 H#7 etc, but cannot do french/italian/spanish.. eg La#7,
because there's no 'L' or 'a'.     This has been requested and is on my
to-do list.   To develop this capability, I need a font containing letters
a-z and A-Z and accented vowels (there's little point in trying to manage
with fewer) as well as the graphic dim half-dim maj7-triangle symbols.  So
my objective is to get away from the old fashioned symbol font and go to
unicode.   Which is why I'm taking such a close interest in Smufl :-)


David Webber
Mozart Music Software

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