Grzegorz Rolek wrote:
> Continuing with the proposed additions to the plainchant notation:
> * New single-note form: Oriscus liquescens
> I've seen it within the glyph repertory of Gregorio [1] and the Joseph
> Pothier plainchant font for text settings [2].
> ...
> [2] you Grzegorz for providing link to the second link. At the end of
the document, there are glyphs for strophices liquescentes. Recently, I
have came across one of them in the offertory Ascendit Deus
( , p.4, at
word Alleluia). They are rare, but I suggest these four glyphs to be added.
My second suggestion is to add glyphs of ligatures for breves and
semibreves in mensural notation, similar to plainchant
"porrectus"-glyphs which have been recently renamed. As to my
understanding, four noteheads (mensuralNoteheadMaximaBlack,
mensuralNoteheadMaximaVoid, mensuralNoteheadMaximaBlackVoid,
mensuralNoteheadMaximaWhite) may appear in slanted version of different
span (2nd-5th), both upwards and downwards.
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